Welcome to our Parish

Please see below the bulletin for 19th May 2024, Pentecost Sunday, and below this the Bulletin for 26th May 2024 The Most Holy Trinity.




Landline & answering machine: 0191 4142749;

Mobile Number: 07971 354750

Priest in Charge: Rev. Fr. J. G. Rose                                                           www.stellachurch.co.uk Facebook: Stella Church

Pentecost.   19th May, 2024.

Saturday 18th May                     Vigil Mass.     5.00 p.m.James McMillan.
Sunday 19th May                        Pentecost.10.00 a.m.Ellen Emmett
Monday 20th   (Mary, Mother of the Church.)9.15 a.m.The November Book.
Tuesday 21st      (St. Christopher Magallanes.)  9.15 a.m.The Holy Souls.
Wednesday 22nd             (St. Rita of Cascia.)9.15 a.m.Deceased Mengozzi, Venturi & Casadei Family.
Thursday 23rd         (Jesus, Eternal High Priest.)9.15 a.m.Walter Stokoe
Friday 24th                       6.00 p.m.Fr. Michael Hickey.
Saturday 25th May    (St.Bede.)             
Vigil Mass.                             
10.00 a.m.
1.00 p.m.
5.00 p.m.
Our Lady’s Intentions.
Nuptial Mass – Victoria Wilson & Daniel Ogilvie. Alice, Charlie & Peter Shaw.
Sunday 26th May The Holy Trinity.     10.00 a.m.Michael & Norma Kavanagh.

Confessions:- Saturday 4.15 – 4.45 p.m.; Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Saturday, 4.15 – 4.45 p.m..

Please pray for: the sick – Mark Armstrong; Joyce Madine; Doreen Hodgson; Jessica Rich; Annie O’Connor; Natasha Rose; D. C.; Matthew Stewart; Margaret March; Bocis Buiuc; Avril & Paul Kimmitt & Pat Brewster.

Offertory Procession:- This week:- Sat.:   Katie Smith & Family;   Sun.: Anya Armstrong & Family;

                                       Next week:- Sat.:  Phoebe Stephenson & Family;              Sun.: Luis Deacon & Family. 

200 Club Winner. This week’s winner: L. Martin no.73. Congratulations Louise!

First Holy Communion Programme 2023/24.

Please keep our children and their families in your prayers as they continue their preparations for receiving Jesus in Holy Communion in June:- Anya Armstrong; Izzy Batsford; Ava Baxter; Isaac Beadling;  Clara Cantrill; Leon Chmiel; Emily Coleman; Molly Coyne; Finlay Curry; Logan Dalziel; Luis Deacon; Pippa Dobson; Thea Exley; Emmie Fitzgerald; James Foster; Carys French; Lucha Hamilton; Kristian Hutchinson; Euan Kimmitt; Bert Lamb; Anna Langford; Emily Langley; Lewie Miller; Henry Phipps; Amber Preece; Thomas Rafferty; Isaac Rawlinson; Isaac Rosa; Aila Shaw; Katie Smith; Isobel Snowball; Phoebe Stephenson; Agnes Thew; Ilianna Thompson; Lucas Wheeler; Ella Williams; Ella Wilson.  

Jubilee Celebrations – Advanced Notice! Fr. Noel Colahan, one of my eminent predecessors, will be celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of his Ordination on 14th June – 60 years of service to God. We will be celebrating with him at a special Mass on Friday, 7th June, the feast of the Sacred Heart, followed by a ‘do’ in the parish room.

Wedding Bells will be ringing again here at Stella!

We warmly congratulate Victoria Wilson and Daniel Ogilvie who will be married here at Stella on Saturday. Many of you with children at our school will know Miss Wilson (soon to be Mrs Ogilvie!), as she is our Year 2 class teacher. We wish Victoria and Daniel every joy and blessing in their married lives together.

200 Club.  

The new boxes of 200 Club envelopes begin this weekend. If you haven’t already done so, please do remember to collect your boxes of envelopes from the back of church. Fancy joining The Club? We have a few numbers spare. £1 dues per week can be made via the weekly pink envelopes, quarterly or annually. Contact Alice or Mary if you would like to take a number.

Repairs here at Stella.

You may remember that the roofers were here at Stella a few weeks ago to replace slates, re-bed ridge slates, renew pointing etc. That work has been completed and should see us through another winter. That is the good news… …the bad news is that the roof is suffering from nail sickness, so requires re-roofing. The builders of our church used the finest of materials all those years ago; no expense was spared. Unfortunately, due to our church’s listed status, the same holds true today, as we need to replace the existing slates with the same material – Westmorland Slate… …apparently the most expensive stuff! Thankfully, Tim Dillon is liaising with various firms to obtain quotes for the work to be carried out in April/May 2025. We can only ‘guesstimate’ the total cost of the work… …I am hoping that it will come in under £100,000, but who knows?! All I can say is that we have been scrimping and saving wherever we could to cover such an eventuality and do have a significant sum deposited with the diocese, which will hopefully go a long way to addressing the cost. So, the next time you wonder why we aren’t lit up like Blackpool Illuminations and don’t employ a parish secretary, cleaners or groundsmen (women), just remember…!

Parish Summer Fayre – a Date for the Diaries…  …iphones etc.,etc.!

The date for the annual parish summer fayre doesn’t interfere with Wimbledon for all you tennis fans! The date this year will be Sunday, 7th July. Please remember to leave the day free and to mark it in your diaries and electronic gadgets. It’s always a great day of fun for all family members, and I’m told that there are some new stalls for this year’s event!

If you can help with any of the stalls this year, please have a word with Fr. Rose, Alice or Lynn. If you have items for the fayre, please bring them along to church from next weekend.

Addressing our needs in the future.

Bishop Stephen has asked all deaneries to reflect once more on the future, especially in light of ever dwindling clergy numbers. Here, we have been asked to consider how we would work with only two parish priests. Please note, this is not to say that our current five priests will suddenly become two: we are simply being asked to consider options to help prepare for the future. However, we need to be ready and prepared for the day when there will be, in all likelihood, only two parish priests covering our deanery’s parishes. As with so many other deaneries, the age profile and needs of our priests are becoming an increasing concern.

After careful prayer, discussion and reflection amongst the deanery clergy, we are proposing that we prepare for the future based on forming two new parishes, each served by one priest, from the following groupings of parishes:-

Tyne Valley:- Crawcrook; Prudhoe and Stella parishes.

Derwent Valley:- Blaydon; Chopwell: Highfield and Winlaton parishes.

This configuration has had an initial positive response from Bishop Stephen and the episcopal council. We need to hear your thoughts on this proposal too, together with suggestions as to how we can work towards this future.

More Chuckles… …?!

Words of Wisdom…  The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.
A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research. Two wrongs are only the beginning.
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. Love may be blind, but marriage can be a real eye-opener.
Borrow money from pessimists, they don’t expect it back. Half the people you know are below average.




Landline & answering machine: 0191 4142749;

Mobile Number: 07971 354750

Priest in Charge: Rev. Fr. J. G. Rose                                                           www.stellachurch.co.uk Facebook: Stella Church

The Holy Trinity.   25th May, 2024.

Saturday 25th May                     Vigil Mass.     5.00 p.m.Alice, Charlie & Peter Shaw.
Sunday 26th May                 The Holy Trinity.     10.00 a.m.Michael & Norma Kavanagh.
Monday 27th                          (St. Augustine.)9.15 a.m.Geoff Waller.
Tuesday 28th       9.15 a.m.The November Book.
Wednesday 29th            6.00 p.m.Joe Rutherford.
Thursday 30th        9.15 a.m.The Holy Souls.
Friday 31st                            (The Visitation.) 6.00 p.m.Robert McDarby.
Saturday 1st June                     (St. Justin.)      
Vigil Mass.                             

5.00 p.m.

Our Lady’s Intentions.
Living & Deceased Members of the Todd Family.
Sunday 2nd June                Corpus Christi.10.00 a.m.Joan Holdsworth.

Confessions:- Saturday 4.15 – 4.45 p.m.; Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Saturday, 4.15 – 4.45 p.m..

Please pray for: the sick – Mark Armstrong; Joyce Madine; Doreen Hodgson; Jessica Rich; Annie O’Connor; Natasha Rose; D. C.; Matthew Stewart; Margaret March; Bocis Buiuc; Avril & Paul Kimmitt & Pat Brewster.

Offertory Procession:- This week:- Sat.:   Phoebe Stephenson & Family;   Sun.: Luis Deacon & Family;

                                       Next week:- Sat.:  Agnes Thew & Family;              Sun.: Kristian Hutchinson & Family. 

200 Club Winner. This week’s winner: LR no.146. Congratulations!

First Holy Communion Programme 2023/24.

Please keep our children and their families in your prayers as they continue their preparations for receiving Jesus in Holy Communion in June:- Anya Armstrong; Izzy Batsford; Ava Baxter; Isaac Beadling;  Clara Cantrill; Leon Chmiel; Emily Coleman; Molly Coyne; Finlay Curry; Logan Dalziel; Luis Deacon; Pippa Dobson; Thea Exley; Emmie Fitzgerald; James Foster; Carys French; Lucha Hamilton; Kristian Hutchinson; Euan Kimmitt; Bert Lamb; Anna Langford; Emily Langley; Lewie Miller; Henry Phipps; Amber Preece; Thomas Rafferty; Isaac Rawlinson; Isaac Rosa; Aila Shaw; Katie Smith; Isobel Snowball; Phoebe Stephenson; Agnes Thew; Ilianna Thompson; Lucas Wheeler; Ella Williams; Ella Wilson.  

Jubilee Celebrations – Advanced Notice! Fr. Noel Colahan, one of my eminent predecessors, will be celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of his Ordination on 14th June – 60 years of service to God. We will be celebrating with him at a special Mass on Friday, 7th June, the feast of the Sacred Heart, followed by a ‘do’ in the parish room.

Wedding Bells were ringing again here at Stella!

We warmly congratulate Victoria Wilson and Daniel Ogilvie who were married here at Stella yesterday (Saturday). Many of you with children at our school will know Miss Wilson (know Mrs Ogilvie!), as she is our Year 2 class teacher. We wish Victoria and Daniel every joy and blessing in their married lives together.

200 Club.  

The new boxes of 200 Club envelopes begin this weekend. If you haven’t already done so, please do remember to collect your boxes of envelopes from the back of church. Fancy joining The Club? We have a few numbers spare. £1 dues per week can be made via the weekly pink envelopes, quarterly or annually. Contact Alice or Mary if you would like to take a number.

Repairs here at Stella.

You may remember that the roofers were here at Stella a few weeks ago to replace slates, re-bed ridge slates, renew pointing etc. That work has been completed and should see us through another winter. That is the good news… …the bad news is that the roof is suffering from nail sickness, so requires re-roofing. The builders of our church used the finest of materials all those years ago; no expense was spared. Unfortunately, due to our church’s listed status, the same holds true today, as we need to replace the existing slates with the same material – Westmorland Slate… …apparently the most expensive stuff! Thankfully, Tim Dillon is liaising with various firms to obtain quotes for the work to be carried out in April/May 2025. We can only ‘guesstimate’ the total cost of the work… …I am hoping that it will come in under £100,000, but who knows?! All I can say is that we have been scrimping and saving wherever we could to cover such an eventuality and do have a significant sum deposited with the diocese, which will hopefully go a long way to addressing the cost. So, the next time you wonder why we aren’t lit up like Blackpool Illuminations and don’t employ a parish secretary, cleaners or groundsmen (women), just remember…!

Parish Summer Fayre – a Date for the Diaries…  …iphones etc.,etc.!

We’ve settled on a date for the annual parish summer fayre… …apparently, it doesn’t interfere with Wimbledon for all you tennis fans! The date for the fayre this year will be Sunday, 7th July. Please do remember to leave the day free and to mark it in your diaries and electronic gadgets. It’s always a great day of fun for all family members, and I’m told that there are some new stalls for this year’s event!

If you can help with any of the stalls this year, please have a word with Fr. Rose, Alice or Lynn. If you have items for the fayre, please bring them along to church from next weekend.

Addressing our needs in the future.

Bishop Stephen has asked all deaneries to reflect once more on the future, especially in light of ever dwindling clergy numbers. Here, we have been asked to consider how we would work with only two parish priests. Please note, this is not to say that our current five priests will suddenly become two: we are simply being asked to consider options to help prepare for the future. However, we need to be ready and prepared for the day when there will be, in all likelihood, only two parish priests covering our deanery’s parishes. As with so many other deaneries, the age profile and needs of our priests are becoming an increasing concern.

After careful prayer, discussion and reflection amongst the deanery clergy, we are proposing that we prepare for the future based on forming two new parishes, each served by one priest, from the following groupings of parishes:-

Tyne Valley:- Crawcrook; Prudhoe and Stella parishes.

Derwent Valley:- Blaydon; Chopwell: Highfield and Winlaton parishes.

This configuration has had an initial positive response from Bishop Stephen and the episcopal council. We need to hear your thoughts on this proposal too, together with suggestions as to how we can work towards this future.

More Chuckles… …?!

An English professor complained to the pet shop proprietor, “The parrot I purchased uses improper language.”
“I’m surprised,” said the owner. “I’ve never taught that bird to swear.”
“Oh, it isn’t that,” explained the professor. “But yesterday I heard him split an infinitive.”

With the impending U.S. election and comments from Donald, an American asked his Mexican friend if there are many influential Jews in Mexico. The Mexican says, “Sí, we have orange jews, apple jews, and grape jews!”