Dear Parishioners,
We are currently living through very troubling and anxious times, which can test our faith, family and community bonds. Day to day, we are receiving new advice, direction, encouragement and support from both local and national faith and community leaders. Today, the Bishops of England and Wales issued a statement regarding the impact of the Coronavirus that can be found on their website or via the diocesan website
In these extraordinary circumstances, the effects of the statement are these:-
- There will be no public Masses celebrated on Sundays or weekdays following Government advice;
- The Sunday Obligation to celebrate Holy Mass is therefore suspended for the duration of the outbreak, in accordance with the teaching of the Church (Catechism 2181);
- Priests may still administer the Sacrament of the Sick, using the revised instructions.;
- Baptisms and weddings postponed until further notice – please contact me if you already have a date;
- Funerals may be celebrated at the Crematorium or graveside – Masses to be offered at a later date;
- Masses, prayer and other celebrations can be viewed on the EWTN channel on TV or visit online.
Here at Stella, we will be supporting our local community in the following ways (in addition to the above):-
- Our weekly newsletter will appear on our parish website ( each week, providing the Sunday readings, details of Mass Intentions and other points of contact and support;
- If parishioners are unable to access the internet, I will try to deliver a copy of the newsletter to you
- I will offer Holy Mass each day on behalf of our parish – the daily intentions will be given in the newsletter on the website;
- I will still be celebrating Palm Sunday and the Holy Week Triduum – the Blessed Palms will be available in a basket on the heater just inside the side door from Palm Sunday afternoon, 5th April;
- Our First Holy Communion preparation through the weekly Children’s Liturgy is suspended – if parents can continue to support their children with their workbooks, it would be a great help – the date for the First Holy Communion Day is still pencilled in for 6th June – any alteration / information will be provided on our parish website and in the newsletter;
- We recognise that some parishioners may find themselves very isolated or in need of support – we are hoping to establish a ‘buddy’ system, so that you will have a point of contact, even if it’s just to have a chat on the ‘phone, collect prescriptions or get a bit of shopping in;
- If you need to contact me urgently, please use the mobile number.
Do please remember that if there is anything that I can do personally, or that we can assist with as a parish community here at Stella, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Both the parish landline and my own personal mobile numbers are provided above. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call if we can be of any help or support, remembering to leave your name, address and telephone number if you encounter the answering machine!