Welcome to our parish

Please note, the time for Mass at Stella on Sundays is now 10:15 am



Parishes’ Landline & answering machine: 0191 4142749;

Mobile Number (Fr. Rose): 07971 354750.

Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. J. G. Rose

Retired in residence at St. Agnes’, Crawcrook: Rev. Fr. J. James.                                                          

24th Sunday of the Year.   15th September, 2024.

Confessions:- Saturday 4.15 – 4.45 p.m.; Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Saturday, 4.15 – 4.45 p.m..

Please pray for:  the sick – Mark Armstrong; Jenny, Kathleen & Simon Burns;Pat Butler;D. C.; Chloe Cant; Tommy Carr; Valerie Coleman; Michael Hogan; Pat Keen; Avril & Paul Kimmitt Joyce Madine; Margaret March; Annie O’Connor; Jessica Rich; Matthew Stewart; Fr. Alan MacKnight.

200 Club Winner. This week’s winner: P. Davies, no.63. Congratulations Paul!

Offertory Processions. This week:- Sat. 5.00p.m. Oscar Davidson & Family;   Sun. 10.15a.m. Zoe Davison & Family.

                                      Next week:- Sat. 5.00p.m.Catherine Foster & Family; Sun. 10.15a.m. Darcey Gill & Family.

First Confession & First Holy Communion Group 2024/25 (Stella).

Please keep these children and their parents in your prayers as our programme begins this weekend with our Masses of Commitment:- Ava Brown; Oakley Bush; Olivia Coff; Fearne Cunny; Oscar Davidson; Zoe Davison; Harry Elliott; Catherine Foster; Darcey Gill; Evie Graham; Nathan Gray; Nathaniel Jones; Scarlett Knox; Martha McMullen; Jonah Minto; Penny Peart; Noah Potts; Talia Proud; Eden Rawlinson; Samuel Reay; Hannah Redpath; Maisie Reed; Luke Russell; Fearne Smith; Akshith Sony; Teddy Tarpey; Amelia-Rose Tully; Sophie Underwood; Eduardo Watson; Mateo Watson; Harlow Williams. 

Weekday Mass Times.

You will note from the Mass schedule that this week there will be extra Masses at St. Agnes’, courtesy of our friend Fr. James. I am very grateful to him for offering to celebrate Mass here at St. Agnes’ this coming Wednesday and Thursday.

Holy Day Mass Times. As we prepare our entries for the 2025 edition of the Northern Catholic Calendar, it is time to revisit our Holy Day Mass times. Currently, St. Agnes’ has Mass at 7.00 p.m., whilst Stella has two Masses at 9.15 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. I would propose that Stella retains the 9.15 a.m. Mass only and that St. Agnes’ evening Mass moves forward to the earlier time of 6.00 p.m. or 6.30 p.m. Comments please!

Children’s Liturgy! Please remember arrangements for our Children’s Liturgy, both at St. Agnes’ and at Stella, which are in place for the wellbeing and safeguarding of your child. The Diocese has undergone in-depth safeguarding reviews and it is important to ensure that our local practice is consistent with Diocesan Guidelines, the rightful expectations of parents and the wider community.

  1.  Please arrive in good time to leave your child with our parish catechists, either in the Children’s Liturgy Room (St. Agnes’) or the parish room (Stella)– this gives our catechists sufficient time to enter their details in the parish register before the Children’s Liturgy begins.
  2. Only adults with Diocesan Safeguarding clearance for Children’s Liturgy may be present at Children’s Liturgy – a minimum of two present with such clearance is essential – some parents may wish to obtain a DBS with us, which would enable them to continue prior local practice… …have a word with Fr. Rose after Mass.
  3. If your child is still at an age where they need a parent to be with them, this may well be an indication that they are not yet ready for taking a full and active part in the Children’s Liturgy of Word & Sacrament.
  4. The children will return to us during the Offertory, processing up the main aisle before rejoining their parents.

If you have any queries regarding the above, please get in touch with Fr. Rose. Our Children’s Liturgy sessions rely solely upon the generosity of volunteers from our own communities. If you would like to join our Children’s Liturgy teams, either at St. Agnes’ or at Stella, please don’t hesitate to have a word with a member of the team or Fr. Rose.

GNR for CAFOD.   Despite aching joints (and a recent outbreak of Covid in the Lanning household1),Rick managed to complete this year’s Great North Run for CAFOD. If you would still like to sponsor him, click on the link on the Stella parish Facebook page.

Advanced Notice – Church Cleaning at St. Agnes’… …All Hands on Deck!

The next session for church cleaning at St. Agnes’ will be on Tuesday, 1st October at 6.00 p.m. If you can even give just 30 minutes or three quarters of an hour of your time, it will make a real difference. If you haven’t been along before, please don’t hesitate to come and join us!

 The Friends of St. Agnes. The Friends have plans in hand for this year’s MacMillan Coffee Morning. This will be held on Sunday, 29th September, after our 9.00 a.m. Mass. Please support this coffee morning with your usual generosity for donating cakes, scones, etc.!

Weekly chuckles…?

See my mum with her grandchild? Very mindful, very patient, very soft-spoken…

…very not the woman that raised me!

I need everyone to wish me luck. I have a meeting at the bank later, and if all goes well, I will be out of debt soon…

…I’m so excited, that I can barely put on my ski mask!

Paddy goes for a job interview at a chemical factory and the manager asks, ‘Have you worked with chemicals before?’

‘Yes!’ Paddy replies.

The manager askes, ‘Can you tell me then what nitrate is?’ Paddy replies, ‘I’m hoping it’s at least double time!’

Billy was inconsolable when his dog went missing. His wife told him to put an ad in the paper. He did, but had no response after two weeks. ‘What did you put in the paper?’ his wife asks. ‘Here boy’ replies Billy!